How much wood would a woodchuck chuck ...

What is Amplifan?

Amplifan is an entertainment platform that provides a bridge between fans and entertainers. Our goal is to amplify the fan experience by becoming the leading source for entertainers to engage and interact with their most loyal fans.

Is there an iPhone or Android app that I can download?

Not currently, but coming soon! Our iOS app is under development, and we'll start work on the Android version soon after.

How do I increase my "Top Fan" ranking?

Every interaction with your favorite artists helps your ranking. Our ranking system measures your activity for each of your favorites to determine where you sit on the charts. These ranking are calculated daily. Increase your ranking by posting, sharing, listening, watching, and more! All things you most likely already do as a fan.

How do I know your rankings are fair?

With the exception of points earned for special designations or purchases*, our point system runs on a 30-day reset cycle. The points that you and other users earn today will vanish in exactly 30 days. This helps give newcomers a chance to earn their way into the top rankings over time, and puts all users on an even playing field to hold their top spot. As long as you remain engaged, your ranking will stay active.

* Special designations and purchases include, but are not limited to: attended events, tickets/music/merch sales, online video views, and connecting with third-party offers.

Is my data private?

Absolutely! We do not share your contact information with anyone that you do not authorize. In the app, other users will potentially be able to see you listed by first name and last initial on the pages you connect with. However, they will not be able to learn more about you without you connecting with those users directly. Learn more about our privacy policy here.

Why does the site appear narrow in my browser?

The majority of our traffic comes from mobile devices. We have optimized to be viewed on both mobile and desktop for a consitent user experience. We may add more desktop-only features in the future.

Can I connect my [Twitter, Spotify, Last.FM, etc...] account with Amplifan?

At this time we are only allowing integration with Facebook. As we fine tune our database, we will integrate more services into the application. Let us know if there is a particular service you'd like us to look into connecting.

What entertainers have contests or offers right now?

If an artist or team you have connected to has a current contest or offer, it will appear on your dashboard when you login to Amplifan! If you don't currently see any featured offers, check back soon. We have a number of offers launching weekly.

How can I get featured?

Contact us and we can discuss building an upcoming feature for your band or team!


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You can also enjoy all of Amplifan's features
by using the web browser on your mobile device or desktop!



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Using your Facebook login to connect to Amplifan does not give us access to post to your wall or to your friends. If you'd like to post from within Amplifan, that permission will be requested at a later time. We will never post any content on your behalf without your direct permission. See our Privacy Policy or FAQ for more details.


The Amplifan app is currently under Beta testing. Would you like to join the group? Please, signup with your email address to be notified when we reopen to new users.

Looking to purchase tickets to one of our partner venues? Click Here


We will never send unsolicited materials or share your contact info.
See our Privacy Policy for more details.


Connect with your Facebook login to create your account.


Using your Facebook login to connect to Amplifan does not give us access to post to your wall or to your friends. We utilize Facebook to quickly create your login and connect you to the artists and teams you already follow. If you'd like to post from within Amplifan, that permission will be requested at a later time. We will never post any content on your behalf without your direct permission. See our Privacy Policy or FAQ for more details.


Signup with your email address to request an invite to Amplifan!


We will never send unsolicited materials or share your contact info.
See our Privacy Policy for more details.


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